Jose Murilo · August, 2007

Latest posts by Jose Murilo from August, 2007

Brazil: Gunshots along the border

  29 August 2007

Altino Machado reports a radio call [PT] from José Meirelles, who coordinates an Etno-Environmental Protection Front at the Brazil-Peru border on Acre state, deep in the Amazon Forest. He tells...

Brazil: “Rodeos” in the Amazon

  27 August 2007

Lou Gold, an American eco-spirit guy now traveling in Brazil blogs about [EN] northern Brazilian “rodeos”, the expanding economy of the Brazilian state of Acre, his own past growing up...

Brazil: Ad campaign compares bloggers with monkeys

  16 August 2007

A traditional Brazilian newspaper launched an advertising campaign to promote its new website, and the core message of all video and visual pieces was based on a humorous approach of blogs as bad sources of information. One video piece went far enough as comparing bloggers with monkeys. As expected, the local blogosphere took it personally.