Latest posts by Jillian C. York from December, 2009
Global: Tweeting for #Gaza
In honor of the one-year anniversary of Israel's attacks on Gaza in December 2008, a number of activists have planned a targeted "tweet for Gaza" campaign on Twitter. Jillian C. York has more.
Tweets from Beirut: Day Two of the Arab Bloggers Workshop
The second day of the Arab Bloggers Workshop kicked off with a presentation about Herdict Web, a site which uses crowdsourcing to gather reports of Internet filtering from users around...
Arab Bloggers Workshop: Twitter Reflections on Day One
As the first day of the Second Annual Arab Bloggers Workshop comes to a close, we'll take a look at participants’ reflections from the whole day, to find out what...
Morocco: Jail for Chakib Khayari
Maghreb Blog reports that the sentence of Chakib Khayari, a human rights activist and whistleblower, has been upheld in a Casablanca court. Khayari is set to serve three years in...
Morocco: For Your Reading Pleasure
Moroccan resident Ibn Ibn Battuta shares a list of nonfiction and travel books that keep him busy on the road in Morocco.
Morocco: Celebrating Eid in the Bled
This past weekend, Moroccans celebrated Eid Al-Adha. Bloggers in rural Morocco are sharing their stories about this year's celebrations. As Internet access is sparse and often prohibitively expensive outside of cities, many of the people blogging from rural areas are Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) and are therefore positioned to give an outsiders' perspective...from the inside.
Arab World: Reactions to the Swiss Ban on Minarets
On Sunday, November 29, 57.5% of Swiss voters approved a ban on the construction of new minarets atop mosques, paving the way for a constitutional amendment. The ban has sparked mixed reactions throughout the Arab and Muslim blogospheres: While some bloggers are outraged, others make the point that banning minarets does not hinder practicing the faith.