Latest posts by Jillian C. York from November, 2007
Morocco: Women's Stories from Around the Globe
This week, Moroccan bloggers share their interest in issues affecting Muslim women around the world. From the treatment of gynecologists in Iraq to new workforce development initiatives in Morocco to rape sentencing in Saudi Arabia, Jillian York has the story.
The BOBs: And the winners are…
You've waited with bated breath. You've sat by your computer. Perhaps you've even flown to Berlin…that's right, Berlin, where the awards ceremony for The BOBs (Best of Blogs), a competition...
Morocco: Local Hip Hop Goes International
This week, the hype in the Moroccan blogosphere is all about the launch of a new documentary - both at home and abroad - about Morocco's burgeoning hip hop scene. Jillian York lets us in on what the Moroccan blogosphere has to say about it.
Cast Your Votes for The BOBs!
Back in September, Global Voices urged you to nominate your favorite blogs from around the world for The BOBs (Best of the Blogs) - now it's time to put on your thinking caps again, and get out there and vote!