Jehan Naseem

Originally from the finance field; contributes as a free-lance writer, and keeps her own blog.

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Latest posts by Jehan Naseem

South Asia: Reactions on the New Beginning of Libya

  21 October 2011

After the death of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, people from all over the world are expressing their views on his reign, the way he died and the new beginning it promises to Libya. South Asian bloggers also were quick to express their opinions.

Pakistan: Education, The Last Hope

  25 August 2011

As the socio-political crisis in Pakistan gets out of hand, emphasis on education is being stressed by civil society. This push mainly is due to the hope that maybe, just maybe, education might be the key to bringing stability amidst the unsettling internal civil war that Pakistanis face on a daily basis.

Pakistan: The Fight Against the Taliban and the Drones

  24 April 2011

Imagine how it is to live in Pakistan; a place where a day without any suicide bombing or drone attack can make the news, where citizens have to deal with emotions such as shock, rage, discomfort and a deep sense of helplessness on a daily basis.