Latest posts by Janine Mendes-Franco from June, 2017
‘Minor Storm’ Causes ‘Major Losses’ in Parts of Trinidad & Tobago
Tropical Storm Bret was milder than it could have been, but some areas of Trinidad and Tobago still suffered damage.
Tropical Storm Bret Hits Trinidad & Tobago — and Twitter
A tropical storm with an attitude makes landfall in Trinidad and Tobago -- and causes a stir in the Twittersphere.
More Twists and Turns in Trinidad & Tobago's Chief Justice Fiasco
"Marcia say her workload and short notice is why she couldnt remember her full caseload, oui. #MarciaCovfefe"
Child Marriage Is No More in Trinidad & Tobago
"It was overlong and full of pointless double talk but you know what [...] child marriage is now illegal in Trinidad and Tobago."
After Discharged Patient Dies on Hospital Grounds, Netizens Ask, ‘What About Compassion?’
"I could not sleep last night thinking about how this man was left to die in the grass on the compound of one of our major health institutions."
Don’t Politicise the Judiciary, Warn Trinidad & Tobago Jurists
"As members of the legal profession, you cannot tout the importance of an independent judiciary while at the same time passing motions for the removal of judges."
To Resign or Not: Two Attorneys Make Their Case on the ‘No Confidence’ Vote Against Trinidad & Tobago's Chief Justice
"A key moment in the pursuit of accountability" or "the relentless and highly publicized calls by a few for [the chief justice] to go"? Hear both sides of the argument.
The Controversy Eroding Trust in Trinidad & Tobago's Judiciary Culminates in Chief Justice ‘No Confidence’ Vote
Why would an administrative snafu result in a no confidence motion against the chief justice? Some feel that it's all about transparency, while others believe political forces are at play.