Latest posts by Janine Mendes-Franco from March, 2017
Is Jamaica Preventing Cybercrime or Cyber Activism? The Tambourine Army Goes to Court
"Making threats through social media is a criminal offence, but making accusations is not. In interpreting the new act, the courts must ensure [...] the right to freedom of expression.”
Jamaican Activist Arrested Under Cybercrime Law Amid Her Campaign Against Sexual Violence
"If the Tambourine Army believe they have exhausted all avenues of ‘proper’ ways to advocate, then I say do what you must, but please don’t give up the fight."
With Tambourines in Hand and Led by Survivors, a Powerful Movement Against Sexual Violence in Jamaica Rises
A leader of the movement was recently arrested and charged under the country's cybercrime legislation for naming and shaming men accused of sexual violence.
Live Streaming at Trinidad & Tobago Carnival Brings Issue of Copyright Infringement Into Focus
"While this live streaming option has been praised in providing unique perspectives for current events and breaking news...[it] has provided more opportunities for infringement of copyright laws."