Hyejin Kim · June, 2007

Latest posts by Hyejin Kim from June, 2007

Transgenders and Children

  13 June 2007

A transgendered person who is a famous entertainer and her partner in Korea were rejected in their application to adopt a child after their marriage. Don’t they have the right to have a family? Or are they not an “ordinary” family? There are two opinions. [ko]

Two Girls

  13 June 2007

People commemorate two girls who were killed by an American army vehicle on the way to their friends’ birthday party five years ago. Many bloggers recall their deaths.[ko]

Personal loan companies of suspicious repute

  13 June 2007

Since entertainers who appeared in advertisements for personal loan companies of suspicious repute were blamed in public and some of them canceled the advertisement in order to keep their image or apologized in public, a famous actor appeared even with his wife, and said that he is not ashamed. Bloggers...

Blog Profit Model in Korea

  8 June 2007

A “blog profit model” is offered by Iguacu. The chart on the post has descriptions for different ad services in Korea.[ko]

Google in Korea

  8 June 2007

How does Google do in Korea? Trend25 discusses how Google started off behind in Korea but is rapidly catching up to local players. [ko]

Korea: Have You Ever Killed a Person?

  7 June 2007

A sixteen year-old Korean girl who became famous due to the extreme success of losing weight killed herself. To please her grandmother who was worried about her grand-daughter’s heavy weight, the girl lost about 40 kilograms in three months. Her story was introduced on a TV entertainment program. At that...

Korea: To Live as ‘Samsungman’

  5 June 2007

‘Samsungman.’ That’s a priviledged title that puts a person among Korea’s elite. It brings up ideas like ‘good brain,’ ‘deep pockets,’ and ‘most qualified husband’ (I’m not sure about the female side because I have not heard about the term, ‘best wife’ so far). In May, a Samsungman quit that...

Poor Pig, Forgive Ignorant Human Beings.

  1 June 2007

“Poor Pig, Forgive Ignorant Human Beings.” [ko] After a pig was sacrificed by the I-Cheon residentianls’ demonstration in Korea, animal-rights organizations prayed for the repose of its soul on the 27 th and individuals have had single-person-demonstrations.

‘Bean Curd Soup Woman’

  1 June 2007

‘Bean Curd Soup Woman’ (doin-jang-nyeo: a new term to indicate women who are crazy about material and western products) is the result of a philosophy of ‘treatment of women as inferior to men’ rooted in Korean society. A male blogger says [ko]

Hyejin Kim's space

Hyejin Kim enjoys hiking, learning about new places, and pondering the world. In her free time, she writes about interesting things she has encountered through work, school, and life.