Haute Haiku

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South Africa: Corrective Rape Claims Another Victim

  10 May 2011

The unending cases of "corrective rape" that have plagued South Africa at alarming levels are still on the rise. Corrective rape is a criminal practice, whereby men rape lesbian women, purportedly as a means of “curing” the woman of her sexual orientation. The latest victim is a twenty-four year old soccer player from Johannesburg who was stabbed to death minutes after dropping off her girlfriend.

Uganda: Court Victory for Ugandan Homosexuals

  6 January 2011

A Ugandan court has ruled against Rolling Stone - Uganda from publishing the identities and place of residence of gays, lesbians and transgendered people arguing that the action by the magazine will threaten and endanger their lives. Bloggers react to the historic ruling.

South Africa: Corrective rape is a hate crime

  24 December 2010

Corrective rape is a criminal practice, whereby men rape lesbian women, purportedly as a means of “curing” the woman of her sexual orientation. Despite South Africa being the first nation on earth to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, the first African country to legalize same-sex marriage and the world’s first republic to guarantee LGBT citizens equal rights in all realms of life (including adoption and military service), cases of corrective rape have been on the rise.

Kenya: Prime Minister Orders Crackdown on Homosexuals

  1 December 2010

Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga has ordered the arrest of all gays and lesbians in Kenya. Capital FM quotes him saying, “We will not tolerate such behaviours in the country. The constitution is very clear on this issue...” Bloggers have expressed outrage and dismay towards the Prime Minister's attitude towards gays and lesbians.

Kenya: My Life as a Transgender Girl in Kenya

  18 October 2010

Lindsay is a transgendered woman living in Kenya who shares her life and her journey to womanhood on her blog Living Lindsay- My life as a transgender girl in Kenya. She describes herself as “I'm a normal girl with not-so-normal traits. I am transgender, or transsexual if you like.”

Africa: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia comes to Africa

  17 May 2010

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)) is a day is recognized by people joining together to speak out against homophobia, its effects and results focusing on ways to change how people perceive homosexuality and promote equality. The day is held on May 17 every year. The focus this year is on three Africa countries: Kenya, Uganda and Malawi.

Kenya: Bloggers discuss Kenyan explosive drama, Shuga

  7 December 2009

Staying alive campaign being the world largest youth focused HIV prevention campaign content together with MTV bring an explosive drama for the world AIDS Day Shuga . Shuga slides away from the ordinary comfort zone and portrays life of six college students living the life on the first lane: alcohol, sex, love and money and focuses on how the youth put themselves and others at risk of contracting HIV.

Uganda: Bloggers discuss anti-gay bill

  20 October 2009

A Ugandan bill that would make homosexuality officially illegal and punishable with death sentence or life in prison has been tabled in parliament and now only awaits president Yoweri Museveni's signature. Gay bloggers in Uganda discuss.