Latest posts by Hamza Daoui
Francophone Morocco: Development, Modernization, and Creation
"Un amour pour ce pays qui sent la pointe de la critique comme une blessure à son inconditionnalité," is how one blogger describes her feelings toward her country, Morocco. Hamza Daoui takes us on a tour of Francophone Moroccan blogs, showing us the country's recent developments.
Morocco: 72-year-old Activist Jailed for Supporting Prisoners
Moroccan authorities just jailed 72-year-old activist Mohamed Bougrine for supporting prisoners who had been jailed for “attacking values in the Islamic kingdom”, according to this Middle East Online article. The...
Morocco: Telecoms, The Blogging Grand Prix, and Reactions to Salman Rushdie's Knighthood
Blogging has indeed become a popular Moroccan pastime, with new blogs cropping up every day. (fr), a self-described magazine of blogging, reports on the first Grand Prix des Blogs:”...
Francophone Morocco: Blogging for the Maghreb Arab Union
June 1 has been designated the day to blog for the Maghreb Union - Bloggers across the Maghreb have tackled the subject, posting videos, photos, and their opinions, and Moroccan bloggers are no exception. Hamza Daoui takes us on a journey through the Francophone blogoma to see what people are saying.
Francophone Morocco: Politics, Power, and Money
"If you don’t do politics, politics will do what it wants with you." Or, do politics make any sense in Morocco? Hamza Daoui checks in on this week's blogging to see what the Francophone Moroccan bloggers have to say.
Morocco: Fighting ignorance, injustice, and irrationality
Giving one's child a special first name should be an inalienable right, not a lengthy bureaucratic process. Hamza Daoui covers a debate stirring up over this very issue, as well as the upcoming Moroccan elections and the timeless subject of ignorance.