Latest posts by Gregory Asmolov from February, 2010
Russia: Closure of Makes People Suspicious of .Ru Zone
The decision to close is certainly controversial and became one of the major discussion topics in the country. Going beyond the copyright concept, bloggers wonder how safe it is to have a domain in .ru zone.
Russia: New Military Doctrine and Information Security
The new Russian military doctrine provides an interesting opportunity to evaluate the role of information from security perspective. This may apply to the issues of cyber security and Internet, as well as other information platforms.
Russia: Is Suspended
The major Russian torrent (files exchange) service has been suspended due to investigation of copyright violations, RIA Novosty reported. The service continues to work via another domain.
Russia: When Politicians Go Online
When more and more Russian politicians become bloggers and seek the help of PR firms to develop and manage their blogs, people wonder about the future of the Russian blogosphere as an independent information platform and valuable public sphere.
Russian Search Giant Plans To Buy ICQ
The Russian online search giant became one of the top candidates to purchase a popular instant messaging service ICQ, Russian news agency reported [RUS].
Russia May Use E-mail Addresses As ID Tools
The Russian minister of communication and mass media Igor Shegolev said [RUS] that Russia considered using e-mails accounts as additional identifications for Russian citizens along with traditional passports. According to...
Russia Wants To Be Twitter Trend
A new Russian Internet campaign [RUS] focuses on Twitter and aims to make #Russia one of the ten most discussed hashtags. So far, about 3,000 users joined the Russian Twitwave...
Russia: Another Video Blogger Arrested
Grigoriy Chekalin, a former deputy prosecutor of Uhta region, who published [RUS] a YouTube video where he accused local official in falsification of investigation materials regarding a fire in a...
Famous Researcher Talks About Internet in Russia
Alexander Voiskounsky is one of the first scholars who started researching the Internet in Russia. In an interview to Global Voices, Dr. Voiskounsky shared his view on current problems of the Internet research in Russia, described how science can stop hackers and explained why social networks cannot play a significant political role in the country.