Latest posts by Georgia Popplewell from January, 2010
Global Voices in Haiti: On Reconstruction
With scattered clean-up efforts under way in Haiti, debates have begun about how best to rebuild houses and other structures destroyed in the 12 January earthquake. Georgia Popplewell reports from Port-au-Prince on "the critical matter of shelter for those who have lost their homes".
Global Voices in Haiti: Litmus Test
Georgia Popplewell, on the ground in post-earthquake Haiti, looks into reports of "tear gas" being used at a food distribution point, and visits the Carrefour area of Port-au-Prince. The second in a series of special reports.
Global Voices in Haiti: Arriving in Port-au-Prince
Georgia Popplewell, a member of the two-person Global Voices team on the ground in post-earthquake Haiti, files her first report from Port-au-Prince. "Two of Pétionville's squares have been transformed into teeming tent cities. The area just east of the Champs de Mars is a long corridor of rubble, not a building left standing."
In aftermath of earthquake, eyewitness tweets from Haiti
As a result of the catastrophic 7.0 earthquake that hit the island this evening (January 12), "Haiti" is currently a trending topic on Twitter. Among the mass of retweets of mainstream media reports and tweets sending prayers and good wishes to the Caribbean island, have been eyewitness reports from musician and hotelier Richard Morse, who tweets as @RAMHaiti.