Latest posts by Fundacion MEPI
Why Do So Many Women in Mexico Give Birth Via Caesarean Section?
In Mexico, nine out of ten births in private hospitals and four out of ten in public hospitals are performed via C-section, according to figures from National Health Information System.
The Press in Honduras Confronts Violence
Journalists interviewed by Fundación MEPI said that reporting about violence is difficult due to the lack of safety mechanisms, little access to timely official reports and fear of retaliation.
‘Just Bloody Pictures': Crime Reporting in Honduras
Fundación MEPI monitored and analyzed crime reporting during 2012 to identify how the Honduran press works and to determine the level of self-censorship that could exist in this country.
Honduran Journalists Use Sensationalised Crime Reporting as a Safety Measure
Honduras has become the ideal transit spot for international drug traffickers. Reporting about crime under this environment has become increasingly dangerous.
Machismo and Old Prejudices Keep Mexican Rape Victims Silent
One woman is raped every four minutes in Mexico. This crime, like violence in the country, has become more brutal in recent years. Fundación MEPI reports.