Latest posts by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle from June, 2012
Puerto Rico: Women and Cyberactivism
The feminist coalition Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer has convened people to send contributions (in Spanish) for the next edition of their magazine, which will be dedicated to cyberactivism and...
Puerto Rico: Indie Music Coming Soon
The music blog Puerto Rico Indie announces [es] it's next edition of the video series Archipiélago, in which the bands Las Robertas from Costa Rica and Dávila 666 from Puerto Rico will be...
Puerto Rico: Artist Nora Maité Nieves
The digital magazine that covers issues of the Puerto Rican diaspora in the United States, En Punto, interviews artist Nora Maité Nieves [es], who lives in Chicago.
Puerto Rico: Impunity Island
Blogger Ed Morales comments on recently released American Civil Liberty Union's (ACLU) report (PDF) on police brutality in Puerto Rico: “The report echoes a previous, scathing one on police brutality and abuse...
Puerto Rico: Goodbye, Mara Negrón
The digital magazine 80 Grados dedicates [es] it's edition to scholar and professor of the University of Puerto Rico Mara Negrón, 51, who died in Paris due to a very recently...
Dominican Republic: Postelectoral Report
Writer and blogger Pedro Cabiya analyzes the results [es] of the recent Dominican presidential elections with irony and humor.
Puerto Rico: The Transnational Challenge
Deepak Lamba Nieves, PhD student who investigates Dominican transnational migration, writes about the challenges of understanding migration [es] with a transnational lens, and debunks myths and stereotypes about contemporary migratory processes.
Cuba: The Stereotype
Journalist, blogger and Global Voices author Elaine Díaz problematizes the pervasive stereotypes [es] on the Cuban government.
Puerto Rico: Plagiarism and Mainstream Media
Journalist and blogger Sandra Rodríguez Cotto wrote a series of three posts [es] on plagiarism and the common practice of not giving credit to the original sources of information in mainstream...
Puerto Rico: Inspiring Digital Storytelling
Esta Vida Boricua (This Puerto Rican Life) is an interactive digital project that aims “to engage the reader/viewer in an experience of resonance and connection” with “spoken histories,” “autotopographies” (life narratives),...