Latest posts by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle from August, 2011
Puerto Rico: New Cultural Magazine
The School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Communications of the Universidad Metropolitana (Umet) has launched Revista Cruce [es] focused on contemporary sociocultural critique.
Puerto Rico: The Era of the “Digisapiens”
Ivan Chaar-López comments on the recent surge of literature [es] on how the Internet supposedly negatively affects the brain.
Puerto Rico: My Life with Irene
Writer Mayra Santos Febres narrates her storm story: “Gasping and Sweating Post-Irene” [es]: “There have been so many rainy days that I have lost count of how infrequent are the...
Puerto Rico: The Secret Lives of Politicians
Law professor and blogger Erika Fontánez analyzes the public debate [es] that has ensued after the revelation of intimate details of two prominent politicians: the “out-of-wedlock” daughter of the president...
Puerto Rico: Noticel and Puerto Rico Indie
The online news site Noticel has started a collaboration with the alternative music blog Puerto Rico Indie [es].
Dominican Republic: Rita Indiana, “Projects Like Mine Owe a Lot to Social Networks and the Internet”
In an interview possible thanks to a collaborative network of bloggers and friends, Dominican songwriter, singer, writer, and performer Rita Indiana talks about her musical identities, artistic multidimensionality, future projects, and her relationship with social media and the Internet, among other topics.
Puerto Rico: State Funding of Religious Campaigns
The site of the online radio station Bonita Radio [es] publishes an interview [es] with members of the feminist coalition Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres de Puerto Rico [es] about the...
Puerto Rico: Comment from ex Director of Diálogo
Marcos Pérez, the former director of the University of Puerto Rico's monthly newspaper Diálogo, briefly comments on his recent dismissal, in the online publication 80 Grados [es].
Cuba: What is a Terrorist Organization?
Osmany Sánchez from La Joven Cuba responds [es] to a post written by fellow blogger Miriam Celaya, which has stirred a tremendous debate in the Cuban blogosphere. In his response,...
Poets from the World
The blog Tejedor de Palabras [es] presents audio interviews of poets from different cities across the world.
Spain: The Importance of the McBride Report
Journalist and blogger Nubia Esmeralda Rojas offers an in-depth analysis of the famous McBride Report (1980) and its relevance in the age of the Internet and social media.
Cuba: Interview of Ted Henken
Luis García Méndez interviews [es] US academic Ted Henken about the Cuban blogosphere. The interview has caused an interesting debate [es] within the Cuban blogging community.
Cuba: “Voces” Magazine 9th Edition
The online publication Revista Voces has published its ninth edition [es] [pdf] with articles by Natacha Herrera, Dimas Castellanos, Reinaldo Escobar and Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo, among many others.
Cuba: Debate about the Blogosphere
Global Voices author Elaine Díaz responds [es] to a post by fellow Cuban blogger Miriam Celaya [es] about the categories and origins of the Cuban blogosphere.
Puerto Rico: Threats to a Secular State
Feminist blogger and activist Amárilis Pagán reflects on recent news [es] that demonstrate how religious fundamentalism is threatening the advancement of human rights in Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico: Monologue Instead of Dialogue
The satirical online publication El ñame (The Yam) comments, with their typical parodical style, on the recent dismissal of the director [es] of the University of Puerto Rico's monthly newspaper Diálogo [es]...
Puerto Rico: Old San Juan in Photos
Yésica Isabel has posted a beautiful set of photos of the route to her house in Old San Juan.