Latest posts by Filip Stojanovski from October, 2017
Fake News Tries to Link Austria's Chancellor-to-Be and Philanthropist George Soros
A known fake news purveyor published disinformation that Sebastian Kurz expelled Soros' Open Society Foundations from the country. It's not the first time fake news producers connected the two.
A Macedonian Comic Strip Encourages Women to Pursue Computer Programming Careers
Neta, a comic strip about a young woman who works as software engineer, has become a fixture of Macedonian tech culture.
Serbian Artists Arrested Following Anti-Authoritarianism Art Museum Protest
Activists were arrested for 'insulting' Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić during the re-opening of a modern art museum in Belgrade.
Ukrainian Wikipedia Awards National Winners of ‘Wiki Loves Earth’ Photo Contest
The Ukrainian part of the global competition featured 356 participants, some 15,000 photos and over 1,860 natural heritage subjects.
Serbian Groups Stage Blackout to Protest Media Intimidation By Tax Authority
The shuttering of a Serbian newspaper led to physical protest and an online blackout with 150 participating websites.