Latest posts by Filip Stojanovski from June, 2010
Macedonia: Gender Aspects of the Football World Cup
Young Macedonian blogger and writer thinks that focus on defense combined with propagation of gender stereotypes make the Football World Cup unattractive.
Macedonia: Singing Skopjans Cover Footbal World Cup Anthem
Singing Skopjans celebrated [MKD] the start of the Football World Cup in South Africa by singing its anthem, “Waving Flag,” because they “realized that the Somali K'naan managed to slip...
Macedonia: Programmers’ Salaries
Instant Expert writes [MKD] about monthly salaries of software developers in Macedonia: from juniors (EUR 200), to analysts (EUR 350), to seniors (EUR 500+), to “rock stars” (EUR 1000+%).
Macedonia: Legislative Changes Raise Privacy Concerns
Human rights activists and Internet users criticize recent controversial initiatives by the Macedonian Government to increase its legal powers of surveillance. Backed by a comfortable majority in the Parliament, the authorities show little interest in transparent and accountable public debate on this issue.
Macedonia: If There Was No Internet Comics Followup
The Soli pamet blog has also offered a response to the “If there was no internet” meme – through a comics [MKD]. (The blog title – “Salting Mind” – refers...
Macedonia: NGO Figts Autism Stigma
Vlado Trajkovski, president of the Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism, confessed on his blog that even though the NGO has conducted a successful workshop for autistic children [MKD], in which...
Macedonia: Remnants of the Yugoslav Legacy
Sead Dzigal reminds readers [MKD] that after “the death” of the .yu domain [SER] this past March, the term ‘Yugoslavia’ officially survives on the international scene only in the provisional...