Erkan Saka is an assistant professor at the School of Communication at Istanbul’s Bilgi University. He teaches New Media Cultures and Cyber-Anthropology. He earned BA and MA degrees at the Sociology Department of Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. He received his PhD at the Anthropology Department of Rice University (Houston, USA). He has been a political blogger since June 2004. He is a co-coordinator of a Citizen Journalism Training Program at Bilgi Eğitim and he coordinated and presented the TV show SosyalKafa on new media cultures for 3 seasons.
Latest posts by Erkan Saka
R.I.P. Özgür Uçkan: Netizens of Turkey Lose One of Their Best
Dr. Özgür Uçkan, a leading light in the battle for Internet freedom in Turkey, died on July 10, 2015.
Data Set Demonstrates Attacks on Turkish Opposition Party's Campaign Offices Are Systematic
Is it a coincidence that the party which could derail the ruling party's majority in parliament keeps getting attacked?
Covering Turkey's General Elections, One Tool at a Time
'The organisation uses the concept of crowdsourcing for social activism and public accountability, serving as an initial model for what has been coined as 'activist mapping'.'
Turkish President's Columbus Comments Trigger “Mosque on the Moon” Mockery
Turkish President Recep Erdoğan has been challenging Columbus' discovery of America and promising to build a mosque in Cuba. This is perfect fodder for the country's satirists.
Anti-Semitism Burning Bright in Turkey After Israeli Attacks on Gaza (and the Government is Fanning the Flames)
Turkish prime minister Recep Erdoğan has never been Israel's biggest fan. Against the background of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, pro-government spokespersons and media outlets are ratcheting up anti-semitism.
Are Turkey and NetClean Partnering to Stop Child Abuse or Curtail Internet Freedoms?
Turkey's reported partnership with NetClean, a big Swedish cyber-security company, is worrying Turkish Internet users that the worst in Ankara's battles with the web is still to come.
Murder Trial of Slain Protester in Turkey Live-Tweeted
Netizens live-tweeted the proceedings of the hearing into the murder of Gezi Park protester Ali İsmail Korkmaz to draw attention to the case.
Memes Greet Turkey PM Erdoğan's Angry Walkout from Domestic “One Minute Show”
Social media users were quick to create internet memes after Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stormed out of a speech today. Erkan Saka adds his two cents