Latest posts by Elizabeth Rivera from October, 2011
USA: The Challenge of Diversity in the “Occupy” Movement
One month since the initial occupation of the financial district of New York, Wall Street, collective actions in the city continue to diversify. Activists and organizations from minority communities have begun to join and also express their indignation.
Chile: State Security Law, Violence Deterrent or Repression?
On October 18, Chilean Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter invoked the State Security Law to punish the persons responsible for the burning of a bus during the protests supporting the student movement. The country's citizens comment on this controversial measure.
USA: October 15 on the Streets and Social Networks
It's no secret that Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, among other social networks, have played a key role in the recent local and global protests. As was expected, the global protests of October 15 thoroughly used them too.