Latest posts by Eleanor Staniforth from May, 2012
Brazil: SlutWalks Spread Across the Country
On May 26th and 27th, a number of cities around Brazil were the scene of the second round of protests known as SlutWalks, calling for women's liberty and the right of women to dress as they want without being the victims of violence or moralism. Global Voices has selected a series of photos of protests around the country.
Brazil: TV Humiliation of Young Man Opens Media Regulation Debate
At the beginning of May, a televised interview of a young man who was accused by the reporter of trying to rape a woman ignited debate over the necessity of regulating the great Brazilian media and of imposing limits on the custom of stereotyping minorities and vulnerable people.
Cuba: National Meeting of Bloggers Ends in Controversy
The Meeting of Cuban Bloggers was held on 27th and 28th April 2012. More than 60 bloggers from all the provinces in the country spent two days sharing their experiences at the University of Matanzas, east of the Cuban capital. The event's final statement sparked controversy amongst different members of the national blogging community.
United States: Occupy Wall Street Returns
Many people were questioning Occupy Wall Street's future after the eviction from Zuccotti Park. However, according to the occupiers themselves, the movement never disappeared and they are now determined to occupy public spaces around the country.
Mexico: Bike Ride Protest Clashes With Local Government
On April 28, a group of cyclists organised a bike ride in protest of the Mexico City government's project to construct the so-called "Supervía Poniente" (Poniente Super-road). According to witnesses posting on Twitter, several cyclists who were participating in the bike ride were assaulted by the police.