Latest posts by Diego Casaes from January, 2010
Brazil: Viewing the Haitian earthquake from without and within
The Brazilian blogosphere is in uproar after comments made by the Haitian consul in Brazil, George Samuel Antoine. Bloggers reflect on a lack of humanity, the failures of diplomacy and the peacekeeping mission, and how to help Haiti from afar.
Important Children Activist Dies in Haiti Earthquake
Deborah Goldemberg mourns the death of Zilda Arns, one of the Brazilian victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti. Dr. Zilda Arns Neumann was a children's right activist and founder of the Child's Pastoral of Brazil. Internet users in Brazil are also reacting to the news on Twitter.
Brazil: 2009 Green Retrospective and COP15
Almost one month since the United Nations Climate Change Conference, bloggers discuss still; as well as criticizing its outcome, year-end-blog-retrospectives mention the event as one of the most important of 2009.
Brazil: Net-citizens unite to track floods
Blogger Cristiana Soares, in collaboration with net-citizens, launched Projeto Enchentes [Project Floods, pt], a platform for tracking -- and gathering information about -- floods in Brazil. The project counts with a collaborative map created by Henrique Brandão.