Latest posts by Diego Casaes from November, 2009
Brazil: The Violence Against Women Debate
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Brazilian bloggers reignite the debate and campaign to end violence.
Brazil: The loss of a pioneer digital activist
The Brazilian blogosphere is mourning today: the country has lost one of its pioneers digital activists.
Blogger Profiles: Caribé, an incurable idealist and cyberactivist in Brazil
Global Voices Online has interviewed João Carlos Caribé, one of the most influential cyberactivist bloggers in Brazil and the man behind the Mega Não movement, that fights censorship in the Brazilian Internet.
Brazil: A view from slum dwellers on Rio's drugs war
In this post, we hear the views of citizen journalists from the Viva Favela project on the drug-fueled violence sweeping Rio de Janeiro's slums that they watch unfold from their doorstep.