Daniel Duende · October, 2008

Latest posts by Daniel Duende from October, 2008

Brazil: Grandma Aggie, Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Pope

  28 October 2008

Lou Gold, a North-American blogger and nature-person turned “brasileiro’, blogs about [En] Grandma Aggie and the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, re-telling some of the adventures of these courageous indigenous ladies and their recent efforts to get the Pope to rescind the Papal Bulls that created the “right” to...

Brazilian myths and haunts on the Lusosphere – Part 2

  23 October 2008

On the first article of this series, we searched Brazilian websites that could tell us some stories about the haunts and the mythical beings of Brazilian folklore. Now, in the second article, we will sit and listen to the tales of myth, legend and fear told by Brazilian bloggers; tales about Cabeça de Cuia and Caboclo D'Água, and about the beautiful and sad tale of the Vitória Régia, and give more details about the mysterious Loira do Banheiro and her terrible death.

Brazil: A Musical Doctrine

  23 October 2008

Lou Gold, from VisionShare, blogs (in English and Portuguese) and posts some videos about the musical doctrine of Santo Daime and his personal happiness about the recent visit of an important Daime family and its musical entourage to Brasilia, Brazil.

Brazilian myths and haunts on the Lusosphere – Part 1

  15 October 2008

The first of three articles that will take us around the virtual campfire to hear stories about ghosts and enchantment from Brazilian folklore: Cuca, Negrinho do Pastoreio, Boitatá and Curupira, are just some of the beings that inhabit the nights, dreams, and nightmares of Brazil. We also find a group of artists who are telling anew a long told Brazilian popular story.

Brazil: “Abortion is a Right, not a Wrong”

  2 October 2008

Sapataria [Pt], a Brazilian blog about LGBT and women's rights, posts pictures of a recent protest promoted by gender-issues-related groups against the legal views on abortion in Brazil, and shares their two-cents on the issue: “In many countries, the criminalization of abortion afects directly the poor women, most of them...