Latest posts by Claire Ulrich from January, 2011
Morocco: The King's Very Private Visit to France
According to a Moroccan opposition journalist interviewed by French news website Rue89 [fr] King Mohamed VI of Morocco arrived Thursday in France for a private visit, and is staying in...
France: Our Embarrassing Ex Friend, Monsieur Ben Ali
It has finally dawned. After decade of state amitié (friendship) with the Ben Ali regime, and total indifference from French politicians and mainstream media, French bloggers and twitterers are now aware that France has been living in a prolonged state of denial - thanks to history in the making in one of France ex-colonies, Tunisia, and a week of historical diplomatic blunders and shameful silence in France.
France: A Show of Tunisian Pride in Paris
Today, January 15, marks the "day after" and the first day of a Ben Ali free Tunisia. Despite their concern for the continuous violence in Tunisia, their relatives and the future, the 600 000 Tunisians in France granted themselves one day to rejoice, celebrate and share an overwhelming collective emotion. Here are a few pictures from a Tunisian show of pride in Paris.
France, Tunisia: Has the Minister of Foreign Affairs Lost Her Mind?
The French and North African blogosphere and twittosphere reacted violently to the statement by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Michelle Alliot-Marie who proposed at the French national assembly that...
Tunisia: Activists Arrested at #SidiBouzid Protests on January 6
In Tunisia, a popular lawyers-led strike took place today, January 6. The list of the protesters arrested in the town of Thala as a result was published on facebook (ar)...