Latest posts by Aparna Ray

Can India Win The Fight Against Tuberculosis?

  25 March 2013

24th March is observed as World Tuberculosis Day and this year, the various stakeholders dedicated to fight tuberculosis - government agencies, the medical community, NGOs and health activists, took time out to take stock of how India was faring in it's fight against the dreaded disease.

Jailed For Exposing Moral Policing, Indian TV Reporter Gets Bail

  19 March 2013

Television journalist Naveen Soorinje, who was arrested on November 7, 2012 after exposing a shocking incident of moral policing and assault on a group of young men and women by members of a far right-wing fringe group in Mangalore, India, was finally granted bail yesterday by the Karnataka High Court.

Reporters Stand By as Biswajit Das is Brutally Murdered in Bangladesh

  12 December 2012

On 9th December, 2012, during an 8-hour road blockade programme called by the opposition, 24yr old Biswajit Das was brutally murdered in the open before the eyes of the public and a large number of media personnel who were busy taking photographs and video footage of the incident and did nothing to try and save the young man from his horrific end. Shock and outrage poured in via social media.

Mumbai Terrorist Executed in India, But Will it Bring Peace?

  26 November 2012

On November 21, Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, a Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba militant and the only terrorist to be captured alive following the 2008 attack on Mumbai, was executed. His hanging rekindled the debate about the death penalty in India and whether it was likely to deter future terrorist attacks.

India: Hurrah For Hornbills – Defence Project Stalled in Narcondam

  19 September 2012

A proposal from the Indian Coast Guards to install coastal surveillance equipments in the Narcondamm Island in the Andaman Sea, has been stalled by the Indian government. This news, coming after months of intensive campaigning against the proposal, has been welcomed by birders, ornithologists, ecologists, conservation activists and wildlife enthusiasts.

India: Husbands to Pay Wives for Doing Household Chores?

  14 September 2012

The Union Women and Child Development Ministry in India is considering a draft bill which, if passed by parliament, would make it legally compulsory for husbands to pay out a portion of their monthly income to their homemaker wives, for doing household chores.

India: Arrest of Cartoonist on Sedition Charges Sparks Debate

  10 September 2012

On 8 September, award-winning political cartoonist, Aseem Trivedi was arrested in Mumbai, India, on charges of sedition and is now in judicial custody. Netizens expressed outrage over his arrest, a move they see as politically motivated and an attempt by the government to curb freedom of expression.

Pakistan: Long Road to Peace and Security

  29 August 2012

As Pakistan enters its 66th year of Independence, it is a good time to take stock of the security situation within the country - in order to understand what role the nation will continue to play in the overall security and stability of the region.

India: Social Media Blamed for Fueling Assam Unrest

  23 August 2012

'A temporary ban was put on bulk SMS and MMS. Local police swung into action and began arresting people forwarding ‘hate' SMS examples. Social media sites were warned to monitor and remove inflammatory content. About 310 webpages were blocked.'

India, Pakistan: Working Towards Thawing the Siachen Conflict?

  5 July 2012

On April 7, 2012, a deadly avalanche hit a Pakistani military camp in the Gayatri Sector, 30km west of the Siachen glacier, killing over 130 people, most of them military personnel. The scale of the tragedy once again brought into focus a long-standing conflict between India and Pakistan over Siachen, often referred to as "the world's highest battlefield".

India, Bangladesh: Water Disputes and Teesta River Diplomacy

  8 June 2012

Longstanding tensions between India and Bangladesh on how best to share river waters have recently come to head in a dispute over the Teesta River that threatens bilateral relations. At stake, are the lives of countless Bangladeshi and West Bengali people who depend on the river waters for survival.

India: Kolkata Joins the SlutWalk Movement

  29 May 2012

on 24th May, 2012, Kolkata formally joined the global SlutWalk movement, with over a hundred young men and women marching for the cause in the sweltering heat of summer. On the web, netizens bring the event alive through discussions, photos and videos.

Bangladesh: Bloggers March for Murdered Journalist Couple

  16 May 2012

Three months have passed since the brutal murder of the journalist couple Sagar Sarwar and his wife Meherun Runi in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Till date, the police have been unsuccessful in finding any clues or leads in the case.The couple had been found murdered in their apartment, in the early hours of 11 February, 2012.

Aparna Ray's space

I am concerned about sustaining the Commons in India. Watch this film to learn more about the Commons: