Latest posts by Aparna Ray from December, 2010
India: Doctor Gets Life Sentence On Sedition Charges
On 24th December, 2010, a Sessions Court in Raipur, Chattisgarh, convicted civil rights activist Dr. Binayak Sen on charges of sedition and conspiracy. The court found Dr. Sen guilty of aiding Maoist rebels in the State and have sentenced him to life imprisonment. Netizens reacted to the verdict.
Bangladesh: The Finance Bubble – Will it Burst?
J. Rahman at Mukti observes the sharp twists and turns of the Bangladesh stock market and comments on the country's monetory policy.
Sri Lanka: A Rational Approach to Re-settlement
Blogger Ratmale at Serendipity hopes that there will be rational and consistent approach taken in the re-settlement of the 150,000+ people currently living in Colombo, who will be re-settled as...
India: Chakrata in Pictures
Anil Yadav travels to Chakrata in Uttarakhand, India and tells a story of rural life through pictures.
India: Travel tales from Ooty
Blogger and travel writer Charukesi visited Ooty recently and tells a tale of a not-much widely-known Ootea festival through her camera lenses.
India: Judging a Book by its Cover
Chandrachoodan Gopalakrishnan of Selective Amnesia wonders why different books often have very similar looking jackets.
Bhutan: Memories of Kolkata
Dorji Wangchuk from Bhutan visits Kolkata with a sense of nostalgic anticipation since he had first visited the city in 1977 with his father.
Pakistan: Being Smart About the Blasphemy Law
Teeth Maestro feels that Pakistan needs to be smart about its Blasphemy Law and that what is required now is to improve the law and, more so, to make its...
India: Photographs from a Winter Morning
Anil Advani at Anil's Space On The Net shares some beautiful pictures from Delhi, captured on a winter morning.
India: Life at Thirty
Aritra Ganguly at Just Like That – At Any Point of Time ponders about life at thirty and decides that he loves it anyway.
Pakistan: Protesting the (mis)handling of a Gang Rape Case
Sana Saleem at Mystified Justice, furious at the insensitive media handling of a recent gang rape case (that led the victim to withdraw her case against the rapist), writes an...
Bangladesh: Power Crisis – Facts and Figures
Jyoti Rahman at Drishtipat Writers’ Collective offers some facts and figures pertaining to the ongoing power crisis in Bangladesh.
Sri Lanka: An Open Letter to Sir Arthur C. Clarke
Nalaka Gunawardene at Groundviews writes an open letter to the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke.
India: How MSM is using Tweets
Swathi Pradeep at Swathi-licious comments on how the Indian MSM nowadays is often mis-quoting tweets to strengthen their arguments on various current issues.
Bangladesh:Discussing the Controversy Surrounding Dr.Yunus
Badrud Doza, on his blog An Ordinary Citizen, discusses the recent controversy surrounding Dr. Yunus – Nobel laureate and founder of Grameen Bank.
Pakistan: Debating Blasphemy Cases
An interesting conversation is underway at All Things Pakistan where Adil Najam expressed his concern that the arrest of Dr. Naushad Valiyani on charges of blasphemy was nothing if not...
India: Churches in Kerala
In A Travel Blog of an Indian Backpacker, blogger & travel writer Lakshmi shares some interesting photographs of various churches in Kerala, India.
India: What the Telecom Scam Revealed
Rajesh Jain of Emergic, in a series of posts, opines that the recent telecom scam in India exposed how deeply corruption has penetrated the Indian society – impacting economic growth...
India: The Mystery of the Advertised Armpits
Dilip D'Souza at Death Ends Fun finds out that advertising that show brazen flaunting of armpits is a reflection of India's confidence that ‘our time has come’.
Bangladesh: Marginalizing the Benarasi Weavers
Tithe Farhana, in a guest post in Pickled Politics, highlights the problems of the Benarasi weaving industry in Bangladesh and points out that the Benarasi Weavers continue to be seen...
Sri Lanka: Diaspora Dilemmas
V V Ganeshananthan at Sepia Mutiny analyses the present and future role of the various Sri Lankan diasporas in influencing the Nation's future. Should their role be limited to economic...