Latest posts by Aparna Ray from September, 2009
India: Durga Puja: A Daughter Comes Visiting
The Durga Puja is an annual festival that celebrates worship of the Hindu goddess Durga. Bengalis believe that Durga is the daughter of Bengal and during the 5 days of festivities she visits her parental home along with her 4 children and 2 close friends.
Mobile-empowered to serve you better
The mobile phone has grown to be a tool that enables, farmers, small traders and service providers to take information-based decisions, thereby leading to their economic empowerment
India: Tips on portrait photography
Charukesi at Itchy Feet shares some tips on how to capture that perfect portrait through the lense of your camera
India: The Web Meets The Road In The Great Driving Challenge
An automobile company in India recently held a promotional/marketing event named ‘The Great Driving Challenge‘, in which social media was used innovatively both to create buzz as well as to decide the final winner. Contestants shared their travel experiences through blog posts, photos, videos etc.
India: Decoding the affluent Indian
Who is an affluent Indian? What are his/her lifestyle and media consumption habits? Arun Prabhudesai at goes on to summarize the key findings from a recent survey.