Latest posts by Anna Williams from February, 2013
Spanish Parliamentarians Tweet Secret Mario Draghi meeting
El Presidente del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) Mario Draghi pidió que su intervención en el Congreso español se realizara a puertas cerradas. Pero dos diputados desobedecieron la petición de Draghi y transmitieron en tiempo real en Twitter las intervenciones de Draghi bajo la etiqueta que ellos mismo crearon #OpenDraghi.
Under Pressure, Spain Opens Door to Foreclosure Reform
The Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH), joined by an impressive social movement, fought for Congress to change mortgage legislation in Spain. In the end, the Popular Party bowed to intense public pressure mobilized via the #ILPescrache hashtag.
Ecuador: Central Bank President Resigns Amid Forged Degree Scandal
Pedro Delgado, President Rafael Correa Delgado's cousin, resigns as the President of Ecuador's Central Bank after the scandal broke that he had forged his economics degree. The forgery was made public by opposition politician Enrique Herrería before the State Attorney General.
“Hands up! This is a robbery!”: Protests Continue in Spain
People in Madrid have taken the streets in droves to show their fury with President Mariano Rajoy over new corruption allegations. Anna Williams shares her photographs of the protests.
U.S. President Barack Obama Supports Immigration Reform
U.S. President Barack Obama supported a bipartisan proposal developed by eight senators to overhaul immigration by strengthening border security, verifying the legal status of workers, and allowing university students to continue their university studies. Netizens react.