Latest posts by Amira Al Hussaini from February, 2013
Egypt: Armed Robbery Caught on Tape
A YouTube video of an armed robbery of a mobile phone shop in Egypt is making the rounds online. On Twitter, Ahmed Atia Aboshosha writes [ar]: سطو مسلح..المتهمون وجوههم واضحة...
Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood or the CIA?
The Muslim Brotherhood will soon confuse the world, if it decides to go ahead with a name change. Egyptian Bassem Sabry explains: @Bassem_Sabry: My friend @HaniSabra has just noticed the...
How Many Saudi Students Study in the US?
How many Saudi students study in the US? Check out Riyadh Bureau for an answer.
Police Torture Continues in Egypt
On Egyptian Chronicles, blogger Zeinobia talks about how the police continue to torture people. She shares the story of Ayman Mehana, who was attacked, arrested and allegedly sexually abused at...
Saudi Arabia: Hospital Gives HIV, Minister Gives iPad
Reham al-Hakami is a 13-year-old girl who got infected with HIV after being given a blood transfusion in a hospital in Jizan, in southern Saudi Arabia. The case sparked anger on social media after the health minister visited her - and gave her an iPad.
Egyptians Elected Morsi Because …
On Twitter, Egyptians who voted for Mohamed Morsi in the Egyptian presidential elections in June 24 are remorseful - and their regret is evident in a new hashtag which reads: I elected Morsi because .. The hashtag [ar] #انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان generated tongue-in-cheek and sarcasm. Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, won the presidential runoff elections against Ahmed Shafik, the last prime minister of Hosni Mubarak, who resigned after 32 years following 18 days of country-wide protests against his rule.
Boy, 16, Killed on Second Anniversary of Bahrain Protests
A 16-year-old boy was killed in Bahrain today (February 14, 2013), on the second anniversary of the start of widespread Arab Spring-style protests across the country. His death, reportedly from shotgun injuries, sparked anger online – and on the streets.