Latest posts by Alice Backer from November, 2006
Guadeloupe: Saluting “First and Only” Government
Convention Pour Une Nouvelle Guadeloupe posts (Fr) a declaration made by its founding father Magloire Pelage after he and others ceased power from the French in October 1801. (The revolt...
Guadeloupe: Pictures of Route du Rhum Transatlantic Race
Bienvenue en Guadeloupe posts (Fr) pictures of the Route du Rhum transatlantic sailing race and writes (Fr): “This race starts in Saint-Malo and ends in Pointe-a-Pitre [Gaudeloupean capital]. It was...
Martinique: A Coming Out Story, Part 4
Le Blog de [Moi] posts the fourth and final installment of her personal coming out story. She tells of loosing her first same-sex love and being declared dead by her...
Caribbean: Local Telecom Digicel to be Traded on the NY Stock Exchange? writes (Fr): “According to last weekend's edition of Irish newspaper Sunday Times, Denis O'Brien, owner of Caribbean mobile telephone operator Digicel, allegedly consulted investment banks JP Morgan and Citibank...
Tahiti: Artisanal Fair
Fenua Blog posts pictures of an annual crafts fair taking place in Tahiti and writes (Fr): “The Artisanal Fair opened its doors in Paofai. As it does every year, it...
DRC: Supreme Court in Flames
Le Blog du Congolais posted a declaration by Union pour la Nation (UPN) stating (Fr) that partisans of defeated candidate Jean-Pierre Bemba who had gathered at the Supreme Court to...
Image from Mali: Transporting Sheep
Flickr photo blogger Johanne Veilleux posts this shot taken in Siby, Mali and writes (Fr): “Yep, these are indeed sheep attached to the bus’ roof.”
Senegal: Garbage Handlers’ Working Conditions
Appalled at the working conditions of the employees of a local garbage collection company, Blog Politique du Senegal writes (Fr): “Quick to denounce slavery … we refuse to see the...
DRC: Bemba Contests Election Results
In the aftermath of the announcement that Joseph Kabila has won elections, Sanaga Peregrinations wonders (Fr) whether the DRC can afford the contestation of results promised by loosing candidate Jean-Pierre...
Haiti: Reviving Tourism
JoJo at Collectif Haiti de Provence points to a haitian news article about Haiti's collaboration with Chilean architectural consultants in view of developing tourist resorts. The blogger's reaction to the...
Haiti: Syto Cave Podcast
French literary blog Topolivres posts (Fr) a podcast of an excerpt of Haitian poet and playwright Syto Cave's show Voisins Complices [Neighbors and Accomplices]. Voisins Complices has been performed in...
Haiti: Do Officials Care about Insecurity?
Pointing to a Haitian news story about a schoolgirl who was recently kidnapped and shot despite her mother's delivery of $4,000 out of a $30,000 ransom, JoJo at Collectif Haiti...
Madagascar: Coup Attempt Clouds Upcoming Elections
Photo by Martha de Jong Lantig. French-language Malagasy bloggers have been relatively quiet about an alleged coup attempt by General Andrianafidison (a.k.a. General “Fidy”) over the weekend. Those who have...
Magascar: Do We Deserve Global Award 2006?
At Madagascar Croissance, Aiky is happy (Fr) that Madagascar improved its image and that of its environment in the past couple of years leading to the country receiving the Global...
Madagascar: What Happens When We Live Abroad
At Madagascar Croissance, Aiky reflects (Fr) on social dynamics among Malagasies living abroad. Says the blogger: “What is good about Malagasies is their friendliness and hospitality especially those living in...
Reunion: “Our Creole Stolen By a Guadeloupean”
Blogger Pierrot Dupuy laments (Fr) that Reunion will be represented by a Reunion-based Guadeloupean professor at an International Creole Festival taking place in Mauritius from December 1st to 3rd. Adds...
Benin: Televised Literary Contest
France-based Togolese blogger Kangni Alem recounts (Fr) with much enthusiasm his recent experience at a televised literary competition in Benin which attracted aspiring writers of all ages. The competition was...
France-Based Togolese Blogger on French Radio
France-based Togolese blogger Kangni Alem says (Fr) he will be interviewed by Paula Jacques on radio station France Inter this sunday from 2 to 4 pm. Click here for the...
Mali: New Film on African Debt
Le Pangolin encourages (Fr) readers to go see Bamako, a Malian film directed by Abderrhamanne Sissako which tackles the issue of African debt. The film recently received the Grand Prix...
Caribbean Women's Forum
Collectif Haiti de Provence points to a Radio Kiskeya news article stating (Fr): “The 2d Caribbean Women's Forum ended the evening of November 10th in Fort-de-France, Martinique with the participation...
Haiti: New Francophonia Institute Trains Managers
Collectif Haiti de Provence points to a Haitian news article that announces (Fr) the training since about two months ago of 22 local managers by a new Francophonia Institute. The...