Alice Backer · November, 2006

Latest posts by Alice Backer from November, 2006

Martinique: A Coming Out Story, Part 4

  23 November 2006

Le Blog de [Moi] posts the fourth and final installment of her personal coming out story. She tells of loosing her first same-sex love and being declared dead by her...

Tahiti: Artisanal Fair

  23 November 2006

Fenua Blog posts pictures of an annual crafts fair taking place in Tahiti and writes (Fr): “The Artisanal Fair opened its doors in Paofai. As it does every year, it...

DRC: Supreme Court in Flames

  22 November 2006

Le Blog du Congolais posted a declaration by Union pour la Nation (UPN) stating (Fr) that partisans of defeated candidate Jean-Pierre Bemba who had gathered at the Supreme Court to...

DRC: Bemba Contests Election Results

  21 November 2006

In the aftermath of the announcement that Joseph Kabila has won elections, Sanaga Peregrinations wonders (Fr) whether the DRC can afford the contestation of results promised by loosing candidate Jean-Pierre...

Haiti: Reviving Tourism

  20 November 2006

JoJo at Collectif Haiti de Provence points to a haitian news article about Haiti's collaboration with Chilean architectural consultants in view of developing tourist resorts. The blogger's reaction to the...

Haiti: Syto Cave Podcast

  20 November 2006

French literary blog Topolivres posts (Fr) a podcast of an excerpt of Haitian poet and playwright Syto Cave's show Voisins Complices [Neighbors and Accomplices]. Voisins Complices has been performed in...

Benin: Televised Literary Contest

  17 November 2006

France-based Togolese blogger Kangni Alem recounts (Fr) with much enthusiasm his recent experience at a televised literary competition in Benin which attracted aspiring writers of all ages. The competition was...

Mali: New Film on African Debt

  15 November 2006

Le Pangolin encourages (Fr) readers to go see Bamako, a Malian film directed by Abderrhamanne Sissako which tackles the issue of African debt. The film recently received the Grand Prix...

Caribbean Women's Forum

  14 November 2006

Collectif Haiti de Provence points to a Radio Kiskeya news article stating (Fr): “The 2d Caribbean Women's Forum ended the evening of November 10th in Fort-de-France, Martinique with the participation...