Latest posts by Juliana Rotich from March, 2008
Environment: Colbert on World Water Day
On ecopolitology, Tim Hurst posts video clips of Colbert on World Water Day: “Stephen Colbert celebrates World Water Day – the way only he could” Colbert is a popular American...
Environment: A recipe for seed bombs
Rory of Carbon Copy posts a recipe for seed bombs which can be thrown into “…vacant lots, pavement cracks, long-standing rubbish piles, or anywhere that would benefit from a bit...
Environment: Pictures of a landfill in Nairobi
Kikuyumoja writes to Kenyans, posing the question Dear Nairobians,: “Ever wondered what happens to your *waste*? He posts pictures of a dumping site in a place called ‘Dandora’ in a...
Environment: Paper magazines better on carbon than websites?
On the enviro blog Gristmill David Roberts takes on Wired Magazine Editor,Chris Anderson, who states that paper mags are better on carbon than websites. “The claim is mostly based on...
Environment: Beijing's Green Olympics
From the blog Its Getting Hot in here, we get an answer by a Chinese Professor to the following question on Bejing’s Green Olympics: “What will it take to keep...
Environment: 14 elephants speared in Amboseli, Kenya
Richard Leakey of Wildlife Direct alerts readers to a disturbing occurrence at the Amboseli National Park in Kenya. 14 elephants speared in Amboseli: “…The range of causes of elephant spearing...
Environment: China's Challenges from pollution to severe storms
Dale Wen, writing on China Dialogue looks at the myth that high income lifestyles in the west come with a clean environment; noting that China needs to rethink its development...
Lijiang’s war on plastic bags
On ChinaDialogue, Lijiang’s war on “white pollution”: “A recent Chinese government ban on plastic carrier bags was hailed around the world. Under the new regulations from the State Council, which...
Environment: Elephant Culling and Crisis in The Mara
In this issue of Global Voices environment, we check in with various blogs around the world. The themes are varied, and some are of global concern with commentary from Kenya...