Latest posts by Juliana Rotich from October, 2007
Environment: The Greening of Nairobi and Possible Land Grabbing at Mt. Kenya
There is some good news and bad news coming out of Kenya. The good news is the greening of the capital city Nairobi, and the bad news is the unfolding...
Blog Action Day: Voices out of Africa and the Diaspora
Today many bloggers around the world united to write about one single theme, the environment. The blogs from Africa and Diaspora that participated did so with much variety in style...
More Reactions to Al Gore/IPCC Nobel Peace Prize win
This a follow up to Georgia's post on reactions to Al Gore and the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Nobel peace prize win. Reactions from America, Kenya, Ethiopia and...
Enviroment Blogs This Week
Solar powered street lights in Capetown, architecture with a modern and green touch in Accra Ghana, questions about companies’ so called ‘green’ credentials, and a cute baby gorilla in Africa....