Latest posts by Afef Abrougui from January, 2012
Tunisia: ”Do Not Censor Pornographic Content”
In early February, the Tunisian Internet Agency will appeal to the Court of Cassation's verdict issued in May 2011 by a court in Tunis ordering the agency to block access to pornographic content on the web. For Tunisian netizens, and free speech activists, this kind of censorship is not a solution, but rather a threat to freedom of speech.
Tunisia: 2011 in Citizen Media Photos
The year 2011 was a year of change in Tunisia. It started with the fall of the regime of Zeine El Abidine Ben Ali, and ended with Islamists' rise to power through the polls. Check out this photography post about the major events that marked Tunisia during the year.
Tunisia: Censorship and Freedom of Speech in the Year That Was
Ever since the fall of the regime of Ben Ali, Tunisians have been able to express themselves freely, protest, assemble, and enjoy unprecedented access to Internet like never before. But, since old habits die hard, the battle for freedom of speech in Tunisia will continue in 2012, writes Afef Abrougui.