Latest posts by Afef Abrougui from July, 2011
Tunisia: Police Brutally Disperse Peaceful Protesters
Tunisian police brutally dispersed protesters outside the headquarters of the Cabinet yesterday (July 15). The protesters were calling for reform and were planning to launch a third sit-in at Kasbah square, which is the epicenter of protests in the Tunisian capital Tunis.
Tunisia: Campaign to Free Government Critic Samir Feriani
A group of Tunisian bloggers and activists have launched a campaign to free Samir Feriani, a former senior official in Tunisia's Interior Ministry who has been detained since May, 29, 2011.
Tunisia: Registration for Elections Start, Technical Snags Reported
Tunisians started registering on electoral lists yesterday (July 11, 2011) to cast their votes on October 23 to elect a constituent assembly, which will write their country's new constitution. However, technical snags are already being reported.