Adil Nurmakov · December, 2007

Latest posts by Adil Nurmakov from December, 2007

Kazakhstan: Zebra Mussels Invade U.S.

  18 December 2007

Steve LeVine says that communities around the U.S. are in a panic over the creeping invasion of a native Caspian Sea mollusk called the Zebra Mussel, which had been first described in the eighteenth century by a visitor to the mouth of the Ural River in the northeastern Caspian near...

Tajikistan: Fortune Tellers to Be Banned

  18 December 2007

Vadim reflects on the authorities’ decision to banish witchcraft and fortune-telling, and thinks that this is another trick of authorities to draw away the attention of people from more important issues, such as electricity cut-offs, increase in food and oil prices, lack of gas etc.

Tajikistan: Aluminum & Brass

  14 December 2007

Bboyd reports that Tajikistan’s aluminum company Talco is having commercial relationship with Norway’s Hydro. He notes that although it is good that Tajikistan has a commodity that could fund some serious domestic development, but, unfortunately, corruption and switched contracts are turning this potential cash cow into mincemeat.

Kyrgyzstan: Trading with Chine

  13 December 2007

The Azamat Report reviews official Chinese statistics, according to which the trade turnover between Kyrgyzstan and China is around $1 billion, while the Kyrgyz government puts it at $289 million.