Adil Nurmakov · February, 2008

Latest posts by Adil Nurmakov from February, 2008

Afghanistan: Balkh Still Uneasy Over Language

  20 February 2008

Mohammad reports that university teachers, students, cultural activists, writers, poets, journalists and youths dramatic held a protest rally against the information minister in Balkh, a city in Afghanistan. The protesters said they had staged the demonstration against the official persecution of three journalists for using Persian words in their reports.

Tajikistan: Waiting for International Aid

  19 February 2008

Vadim reports that the Tajikistan's authorities officially admitted inability to cope with the energy crisis by appealing to international community for aid, and wonders why should the foreign governments correct the mistakes of the Tajik officials.

Kyrgyzstan: Church Wants to Sue LGBT Organization

  19 February 2008

GenderStan informs the readers that Russian Ortodox Church of Kyrgyzstan allegedly plans to sue “Labrys”, an NGO dedicated to LGBT rights, following the organization's press conference, where an LGBT-friendly priest Maksim from Apostolic Orthodox Church spoke about his church’s views on homosexuality.

Kyrgyztsan: Kyrgyz Authorities Cut Off Tajikistan

  18 February 2008

Ayan Dane writes that the Kyrgyz authorities have decided to stop supplying electricity to Tajikistan, which, according to the Kyrgyz officials, refused to comply with its commitments. Tajikistan is in grave humanitarian condition now because of the harsh energy deficit.

Kazakhstan: More State Control in Economy

  18 February 2008

KZBlog reports that one week after the president's Address to the Nation, the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan announced that this year the government will investigate all existing contracts with foreigners in extractive sector to void contracts with companies that have violated the terms.

Central Asia: Which Candidate is Good for the Region?

  14 February 2008

KZBlog ponders on which candidate for the post of the United States president may be better for the development of Central Asia and says that John McCain co-sponsored Freedom Support Act, Barak Obama is widely believed to be more of an internationalist and perceived to have sympathy for Muslim countries.