Latest posts by Adil Nurmakov from November, 2010
Turkmenistan: Musical culture heritage online
Turkmen entrepreneurs have launched Turkmenistan’s first online social music service, TolkunFM, but this is not just a rip-off of Western-style sites, writes Annasoltan.
Kazakhstan: Livejournal Unblocked After 2 Years of Filtering
Livejournal, the most popular blogging platform in the Russian-language segment of the world wide web, was blocked by the national operator – and subsequently by other Internet service providers in...
Kyrgyzstan: The Zhogorku Kenesh Holds its First Session
Ekaterina informs the readers on the start of work of the Kyrgyzstan's newly elected Jogorku Kenesh. Importantly, this Legislature celebrates the first parliamentary republic in Central Asia.
Mongolia: Global chains are rumored to enter the market
Bilguun writes about unconfirmed rumors of Starbucks opening a branch or five in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, along with that of McDonalds’ – the blogger notes these are often...
Afghanistan: Believed to go in the right direction
Nick Fielding reviews the Asia Foundation's survey of 6,000 Afghans, noting that 47 per cent of them believed that the country was moving in the right direction – up from...
Kazakhstan: An MP wants to ban Halloween
KZBlog reports that a member of Parliament is asking the prime minister for a ban on “a Satanic holiday” Halloween, and notes that this is not the first proposal to...