Stories from June, 2023
A brief overview of AI use in West Asia and North Africa
In general, using Artificial Intelligence technologies almost always allows for greater surveillance of individuals, and therefore, is especially concerning in authoritarian regimes.
Displaced Ukrainian women's football team carries on while dreaming of returning home
The path they've already made in their home city of Mariupol must be made again by building a new competitive team, step by step.
In Turkey, authorities quickly cover up a report implicating the president's son in a corruption scandal
The practice of blocking content in Turkey is common. News directly related to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, his family, or AKP officials are most frequently blocked.
Stress and depression prevail amid the ‘Happy Hong Kong’ publicity campaign
Hong Kong Free Press spoke to a front-line psychiatrist and a psychiatry scholar to address the problem of worsening mental health in the city.
Undertones: If on welfare, better learn Dutch and be a man
Low education about AI tech leads to ill-informed narratives about algorithmic bias
Ukrainians flooded social media with memes as Wagner Group marched toward Moscow
"I must give credit to the General Staff," one user wrote in a viral Facebook post. "The counteroffensive started, indeed, in an unexpected place."
Can Hong Kong afford its planned artificial island construction project?
In addition to the irreversible damage to Hong Kong's marine life and sea beds, the city’s fiscal reserves may be completely drained in a decade or so thanks to the pricy project.
‘Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow': Is the comparison valid?
"Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow" is a phrase often heard in Taiwan pointing at the common threats Russia and China represent for both countries. But is that comparison valid?
Celebrating feminist joy: The power of a collaboratively built playlist
"Whether you need a little dose of queer feminist fire or seek a soundtrack for your own resistance, this playlist stands ready to uplift and speak truth to power."
Award winning environmentalist empowers women cotton pickers in Pakistan
Global Voices interviewed environmentalist Javed Hussain who received the prestigious ‘Gender Just Climate Solution Award’ for his work to secure the rights for women cotton pickers in Pakistan.
Chişinău hosted the largest LGBTQ+ march in the history of Moldova
The march this year focused on advocating for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community in Moldova to have their marriages legally recognized.
A small dictionary of ‘Cha Bubo,’ a vernacular from Butembo in the Democratic Republic of Congo
In addition to the national languages in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cha Bubo is a specific linguistic entity spoken in Butembo, in Nord-Kivu province
In Azerbaijan, feminist activists say not the time to celebrate
At least ten political activists left the embassy premises following the extraction of feminist activists and Hasanli.
Sahel schoolteachers face Jihadist threat
Just when governments in the Sahel are unable to safeguard its schools, Jihadists have no hesitation in killing the teachers they target.
Chinese citizens find ways to dissent despite the risks
While Xi Jinping has imposed extreme censorship over Chinese society, dissent continues to happen despite immense risks for Chinese individuals, as a new database mapping protests across China shows.
In a first for Jamaica, Kwame McPherson is selected overall winner of the 2023 Commonwealth Short Story Prize
McPherson's winning story, "Ocoee," is based upon historical events, taking its name from the Florida town that was the site of a horrible racially motivated attack in 1920.
Palestinians battle for their homes in East Jerusalem
Israeli settler organizations, supported by the state, exploit discriminatory laws to unjustly seize Palestinian homes, employing a pseudo-legal process to forcefully displace families from their residences.
Post-pandemic, lockdown on rights persists in the Philippines
The restrictions and repressive measures imposed during the pandemic have continued to have a chilling effect on the local population.
Over 100 arrests following Pride march in Istanbul
The emphasis on family values and the portrayal of LGBTQ+ people as a threat to these values has been part of a narrative often weaponized by local politicians including President Erdoğan.
Interview with Bao Choy, a Hong Kong reporter who won a three-year legal battle over investigative journalism
"We have to admit that Hong Kong is gradually getting worse. And it will continue to deteriorate. But it is still important to meticulously document every small change in the city."
Rethinking education in the context of sustainable development in Trinidad & Tobago
With little to no time to waste as climate change and other environmental issues accelerate at alarming rates, a comprehensive approach to empowering the next generation is needed.