February, 2014

Stories from February, 2014

Kazakhstan's Charyn Canyon

  28 February 2014

Sergei Terekti presents [ru] a photo essay about his recent trip to Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan's own smaller version of the Grand Canyon in the United States: The main canyon is about...

Trinidad & Tobago: Glitter Glee

  28 February 2014

I have been a hooved La Diablesse, a bolt of lighting, Thumbelina, Blight, and one of the Israelites leaving Egypt, among others. There was always some glitter involved. Glitter is...

It's Music Freedom Day on March 3!

  27 February 2014

19 musicians killed, and 7 abducted. 18 music creators imprisoned. These are just some of the reported cases of injustice against musicians recorded by the human rights organization Freemuse in...

[Photos]: Kolkata’s Street Dog Doctor

  27 February 2014

Kaushik Sengupta, a self-taught social documentary photographer, is the creator of a photo essay featuring Mr. Sandip Karan of Kolkata, India. Mr. Karan is known in his area as ‘street...

Chinese Netizens React to Ukraine Revolution

  27 February 2014

While the current Ukraine revolution has many Chinese asking: “When are we going to take to the streets?”, netizens also learned from Ukraine that democracy isn’t the answer to all problems. Law...

Saving Primate Lemurs

  27 February 2014

A group of researchers from Madagascar, Canada, UK and USA published a detailed report in Science that alerts on the possible extinctions of 90% of the known lemurs of Madagascar following the...

NASA's New Photo of North Korea

  27 February 2014

Any international readers interested in North Korea would probably come across at least once this famous photo of Korean peninsula from NASA demonstrating a stark difference in the light emission of two...

Caribbean: How the Media Shapes Perception

  27 February 2014

Both Venezuela and Haiti have been facing anti-government protests. However, the international media’s escalation of the Venezuelan crisis and their complete silence when it comes to Haiti, raises some important...