June, 2011

Stories from June, 2011

Palestine: Two Boats Sabotaged as Flotilla Floats Onwards

The Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza will be missing an Irish ship, it emerged today. The MV Saoirse has been reportedly sabotaged while at berth in the Turkish coastal town of Göcek and will now not be able to take part in the flotilla, aimed at breaking the Israeli blockade on Gaza and presenting humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.

Trinidad & Tobago: Art & Politics

  30 June 2011

“Once more, art confronts us with the intersection of ideas”: Pleasure reviews Richard Rawlins’ recent art exhibition, saying that the icons of “white elephants, dangling flies that become pianos, non-performing...

Peru: Peace Restored in Puno Following Agreements

  30 June 2011

Through the enforcement of recent statutes put in place by the executive, little by little peace is being restored in the Puno region after recent conflict and social unrest (both related to mining) that resulted in the death of 6 and more than 30 wounded and millions in material losses. Social networks are buzzing with commentary.

Trinidad & Tobago: Disorganised Tourism

  30 June 2011

Lisa Allen-Agostini says that Trinidad tourism “is so poorly developed it’s a shame. I was horrified and embarrassed half the time at the paltry quality of our tourism product.”

Bermuda: The Attitude/Economics Equation

  30 June 2011

Politics.bm says that 30 years after tourism's heyday, “Bermudians are wondering where all the tourists went” and fears that the same thing will happen to the country's stake in international...

Jamaica: Cabinet Reshuffle

  30 June 2011

Girl With a Purpose has the details about the Prime Minister's Cabinet reshuffle, one of the highlights being that “the post of Attorney General and Minister of Justice has been...

Egypt: Khaled Saeed Murder Trial Postponed

Khaled Saeed, a young man from Alexandria allegedly killed at the hands of policemen in June, has been an icon of the Egyptian revolution. His murder fueled discontent among young Egyptians in the weeks leading to the revolution after images of his battered body went viral. The policemen accused of killing him stood trial today. Following are some reactions following the postponement of the case until September 24.

AP to Open News Bureau In North Korea

  30 June 2011

The Associated Press(AP) announced on June 29 that AP signed agreements with North Korea’s state news agency, KCNA, to open a news bureau in Pyongyang, North Korea. Read net users’...