Stories from April, 2008
Kuwait: No to No Pants Day
yawWAR, from Kuwait, (Ar) writes about No Pants Day, being celebrated on May 2. He hopes that day won't find it's way to Kuwait any time soon.
Soviet History: Samizdat Anniversary
Window on Eurasia writes about the 40th anniversary of the launch of the Soviet samizdat publication, the Chronicle of Current Events.
Bahrain: Why are Adult Sites Popular?
Why are adult sites popular in the Middle East, asks Bahraini Esra'a, who posts a video opinion from Lebanon.
Estonia, Russia: Bronze Soldier Crisis Anniversary
Vilhelm Konnander posts an extensive analysis of the issues surrounding the first anniversary of the Estonian Bronze Soldier crisis.
Poland: Prince Charles’ Visit
Polandian reports on Prince Charles’ visit to Poland.
Hungary: The New Cabinet
Hungarian Spectrum writes about the new Hungarian cabinet.
Jordan: That Toyota Ferrari
Jordanian Lulu shares one of the stupidest things she has ever uttered in this post. She recalls: ‘Me: “I saw a cool car today.” Brother (15 at the time):”Really? What...
Kuwait: Weird Dust Storm
Describing a recent sandstorm, Mark from Kuwait writes: “The dust went from maroon to orange to yellow to white and then decided to leave altogether.. Apparently it rained, which in...
Lebanon: Remove the Mufti
“The Mufti (religious leader) of Mount Lebanon is a foul-mouthed demagogue who needs to be demoted as soon as possible,” writes Beirut Spring from Lebanon.
Serbia, EU: SAA Signed
Balkan Anarchist, Byzantine Blog, and Srebrenica Genocide Blog blog about the signing of the EU's Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia today.
Jordan: A Day at Work
With tomorrow bring a holiday – Labour Day – Ola Eliwat, from Jordan, gives us a break down of her day at work today.
Bahrain: A Tale of Two Villages
Journalist Jeffrey Black visits Bahrain and notes his observations in this post.
Nepal: Holi Festival
Nepali Photo blog posts pictures of the Holi or Fagu festival, an important festival of the Nepalese people, which is celebrated by smearing Abeer (red vermilion powder) and throwing...
Brazil: Homicide counter on the streets
Recife is the first city in Brazil and in the world to have a homicide counter installed on the streets. Since January 1st only, there have been 1,511 deaths in...
Egypt: Facebooking the Struggle
After little less than a month following the April 6 strike, during which a number of prominent Egyptian bloggers and internet activists were arrested, preparations for the next round of a planned general strike to mark the 80th birthday of President Mubarak, on May 4, 2008, are currently spreading all over the blogosphere and the Internet. Blogger and activist Nora Younis shares some of her ideas with us about the role of Internet in Egypt as a platform for political activism.
Czech Republic: Opinion Polls
Dr. Sean's Diary writes about a poll on who the Czechs’ “least favoured [groups] of potential neighbours” are.
Sri Lanka: Status Symbol
“Your degree of access to an air conditioned environment indicates how close (or far away) you are to the vast underclass of permanent poverty,” comments Cerno on third world’s biggest...
Sri Lanka: Status Symbol
“Your degree of access to an air conditioned environment indicates how close (or far away) you are to the vast underclass of permanent poverty,” comments Cerno on third world’s biggest...
Pakistan: A Filmmaker’s Perspective
CHUP! – Changing Up Pakistan interviews Mehreen Jabbar, a Pakistani filmmaker for her perspectives on Pakistan and thoughts on her film, based on a true story of a Pakistani Hindu...
India: Cricket without substance
After watching a cricket match of Indian Premier League in Chennai Kartik Kannan comments that its “all fun and no substance”.
Bangladesh: women's equality vs. religion
Tahmina Shafique writes on the recently announced women’s development policy in Bangladesh which has triggered religious protests by Islamist groups and forced a retreat by the government on rights issued...