November, 2006

Stories from November, 2006

Malaysia: Violent Demolition

  30 November 2006

Ktemoc writes about the callousness shown by authorities in demolishing a village and a place of worship within it. “But what was typical was the brutal suppression of the villagers...

Mongolia: Fake Hijacking

  30 November 2006

Tom Terry has more on Tuesday's hijacking of a plane in Mongolia by government agencies saying they were conducting a drill. One post includes comments from passengers and the government...

Armenia: Deti Picasso

  30 November 2006

At Life in the Armenian Diaspora, Raffi Meneshian reviews “Ethnic Experiments” from Deti Picasso, a band based in Russia with two Armenian members. Onnik Krikorian has more on the band...

Malaysia: Teaching Arabic in Schools

  30 November 2006

The EducationMalaysia blogs writes why students are leaving national schools for already overcrowded vernacular schools. “Now, even as mother tongue programmes have yet to be fully implemented in the schools,...

Jamaica: The man who was buried twice

  30 November 2006

Ria Bacon recounts the story of the twice- — indeed thrice- — buried man and other bits of history pertaining to Port Royal, Jamaica, which, before its destruction by earthquake...

Jamaica: RIP, Perry Henzell

  30 November 2006

Geoffrey Philp pays tribute to Perry Henzell, director of the Jamaican cult classic The Harder They Come, who passed away today.

Haiti: Artists to Fight Insecurity?

  30 November 2006

Karlito writes (Fr): “[We] hold the police and government responsible for not doing enough to fight insecurity. But we forget the role that artists can play in helping that fight....

Bangladesh: Islam and Iraq

  30 November 2006

Or how I learned to stop worrying on a Muslim reaction to the situation in Iraq. “Who says that Muslims, just like everyone of good conscience, are not horrified by...

Bangladesh: Take Back Bangladesh

  30 November 2006

drishtipat on a concert called Take Back Bangladesh. “The idea behind Take Back Bangladesh is to reconnect the people, especially the younger generation, who are turned off by politics as...

The Week that Was – Bolivian Blogs

  30 November 2006

On Tuesday night, the Bolivian Senate suddenly found itself with the needed quorum. Several opposition Senators had refused to meet in protest of several law proposals put forth by the...

Mexico: Oaxaca Update

  30 November 2006

Mark in Mexico fills his latest report from embattled Oaxaca with accustomed satire. Colin Brayton, meanwhile, shows a video from La Jornada reporting that paramilitary members fired shots into the...