September, 2006

Stories from September, 2006

Chilean Blog Update: Woman's Talk

  30 September 2006

There are two very popular 100% womens isues blogs in Chile. Men, fashion, concerns, boyfriends, relations, thoughts, all center on women's interests: Zancadas (ES) and nuestroclubdelulu (ES) . In the...

Turkey is Typing…

  30 September 2006

As that transition from the lazy days of Summer turn into Fall, a gloomy spell has fallen over the Turkish bloggers this week…and actually, I can agree with them myself....

Philippines: Darkness after Xangsane

  29 September 2006

Mr. Fuji in Manila describes the situation in downtown Manila in the wake of Typhoon Xangsane. “looking out from my manila hotel room, makati is dark, right to the horizon....

Macau nurtures Luso-Sino connection

  29 September 2006

Macau can be seen today as the very capital of a reinvigorated Luso-Sino friendship. In addition to holding the Economic and Commercial Cooperation Forum which happened this last weekend, the...

Guyane: Cruelty to Iguanas

  29 September 2006

Cafe Creole is upset (Fr) that people are eating iguana stews in French Guiana and posts a picture of live iguanas destined to end on someone's plate. The author goes...

Kazakhstan: Breaking 50

  29 September 2006

At neweurasia, Adam says that if Kazakhstan is to reach its goal of being one of the 50 most competitive economies, it must do more than “polishing” its macroeconomic indicators...

Armenia: Dusty Yerevan

  29 September 2006

Christian Garbis says that a Soviet era song still played occasionally on Armenian radio, “Clean Yerevan,” is totally removed from reality, that not only is there lots of litter, but...