Stories from April, 2005
Children's Voices from Darfur
In February 2005, Human Rights Watch sent researchers Dr. Annie Sparrow and Olivier Bercault to Chad to talk with refugees who'd fled from the bombings and Janjawid militia attacks in...
Friday World Blog Roundup
Spreading the blog gospel (blogspel?): Hossein Derakhshan (aka Hoder) posts his recent presentation on How Weblogs are affecting Iran. He also outlines his upcoming talk on how to make a...
Blogging from Togo – Views of the Post-Election Protests
The post-election situation in Togo is getting increasingly complicated. Faure Gnassingbé, the son of deceased Togolese leader Gnassingbé Eyadema, has claimed victory with 60% of the votes counted in Sunday's...
Interview with Riverbend about her book
Alternet has an interview with Riverbend, the “Girl Blogger from Iraq.” An excerpt: Lakshmi Chaudhry: Let's start with the obvious: why did you start writing a blog? The first person...
Thursday World Blog Roundup
Blog activism: In the wake of recent earthquakes and tsunamis, Brandmalaysia's Mack Zufikli has launched a blog-driven campaign to get the Malaysian government to include the needs of the disabled...
“Theory of Everything” focuses on Global Voices
Ben Walker's “Theory of Everthing” radio show is getting love from all over the blogosphere – Mark Frauenfelder at Boing Boing has favorably compared it to Ira Glass's excellent This...
Wednesday World Blog Roundup
Photo of the day. Sabbah reports that Qatar will replace child camel-jockeys with robots. We are hoping to make the world blog roundups a regular (and eventually daily) feature of...
Isaac Mao's take on the China protests
Isaac Mao believes theres not more to the anti-Japan protests than just government manipulation: Just in these two days, China gov tighten the control of internet to prevent from any...
Bahrain Imposes Web Site Registration Requirement; Bloggers Worried
Bahrain's Ministry of Information is requiring all Bahraini Web sites – hosted inside or outside the country – to register with the Ministry. Webmasters will be legally responsible for content...
Introducing bridge blogger Ndesanjo Macha
Sometimes the Internet helps you find interesting people halfway across the globe. And sometimes it helps you find out that interesting people from halfway across the globe are living in...
Tagging for Chinese-Japanese dialogue.
USE THIS TAG: cn_jp_dialog We've had some Sino-Japanese-U.S. email exchanges going on to discuss the best way to foster a rational discussion on the latest Chinese-Japanese tensions. Eventually a group...
How can we promote Chinese-Japanese dialogue online?
Joi Ito has a thoughtful post responding to the anti-Japanese demonstrations in China. An excerpt: As a Japanese who has a great deal of sympathy and empathy for China, what...
Chinese Bloggers’ Reactions on Recent Anti-Japan Protest
Despite government restrictions, hundreds of blog posts were able to make their way through to the internet, providing a wide range of information and opinions on the Anti-Japanese protests that took place in Shanghai over the weekend.
New faces in the bridgeblog index
I was recently introduced to the concept of “wiki gardeners”, people who tend wikis, cutting away spam, fixing formatting and grammar, and generally tidying up the place. I just spent...
A technical guide to anonymous blogging – a very early draft
The Electronic Frontier Foundation posted an excellent guide to safe blogging a few days back. While the guide is quite rich in tips to ensure you don't reveal too much...
What's going on in the Kenyan blogosphere.
Mental Acrobat on why politics rocks and why Africa needs millions of students of politics. Mama Junkyard is “confuddled” (please give her props for coining this term) about her blog...
Banned Iranian Reporter Turns to Weblogs
Iranian regime is the best promoter of weblogs. The latest example is Massih (Masoumeh) Alinejad, the parliament correspondent for reformist newspapers who was banned from the parliament building last week...
Blogging Safely
Thanks to Curt Hopkins of the Committee to Protect Bloggers for pointing out that the Electronic Frontier Foundation has released a guide: How to Blog Safely. While many of the...
Neila Charchour Hachicha: Blogging for Tunisian freedoms
As the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) prepares to hold its second summit in Tunis this coming November, some Tunisian bloggers are doing what they can to call...
Community Fabric
I've just set up a wiki for a new open-source project called Community Fabric with some friends (from the joiito freenode IRC channel). The idea is to allow people to harness existing social net tools to blog, bookmark, collaborate and post photos from within an easy-to-use and integrated community environment. blocked
Isaac at the Harvard Global Voices gathering, photo by Jeff Ooi. As some of our readers have pointed out, Isaac Mao's site – – is being blocked. Isaac gives...