Image by Arzu Geybullayeva
On January 16, Marina Vasilyeva, the deputy minister of youth and sports in Azerbaijan, was dismissed from her post. Vasilyeva's dismissal is connected to accusations of physical and psychological abuse inside Azerbaijan's Gymnastics Federation, where she was the head coach from 2009 until 2021. The abuse was exposed by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) following a four-year investigation, with the FIG eventually deciding to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan's Federation and several of its coaches, including Vasilyeva, on January 6. The First Vice President and the First Lady of Azerbaijani Mehriban Aliyeva heads Azerbaijan's Gymnastic Federation. She became the president of the federation in 2002. No official statements have been made on behalf of Azerbaijan's Gymnastic Federation since the revelations.
The accusations
The Gymnastics Ethics Foundation (GEF), an independent body established by the FIG to safeguard the integrity of gymnastics worldwide, formally launched the investigation in 2020. It collected evidence from various stakeholders, including witness statements from Azerbaijani active and retired gymnasts, their parents and coaches.
Azerbaijani athletes exposed to the violence and abuse first sought assistance from the national federation, but after seeing what they described as a total disregard for their complaints, they raised their concerns with the GEF, as per the case document. The latter also mentions how witnesses were pressured into withdrawing their names and complaints.
The four-year investigation revealed a pattern of psychological intimidation and physical abuse by the coaches.
The coaches were accountable for physical abuse and assault, including beating, an attempt to strangle one athlete, weight-shaming, compulsory weight loss diet, verbal abuse, depriving athletes of speaking with their families, withholding financial awards from athletes, and many others as outlined in the case document. During the investigation, the AGF responded that GEF was acting outside its jurisdiction, that the complaints raised against the coaches were insufficient and/or inadequate,
In total, four coaches were disciplined, including Marina Vasilyeva, Siyana Vasilyeva (daughter of Marina Vasilyeva), Evgeniya Vilyayeva and Natalia Bulanova (Bulanova was the only person acquitted of all charges). In its decision, GEF listed a series of disciplinary measures that the coaches will face for violating numerous provisions of the FIG statutes, code of ethics, code of discipline, and policy and procedures for safeguarding and protecting participants in gymnastics.
Separately, the Foundation sanctioned and fined the AGF a total of CHF30,000 (USD32,800) and barred the national federation from participating in the upcoming FIG business meetings in 2025 and 2026. The national federation's safeguarding policies will be under monitored supervision for the next two years.
Silence from the national federation
The official website of the national federation does not list any of the coaches’ names mentioned in the investigation under the federation's staff except Bulanova. Neither the president of the federation Mehriban Aliyeva, nor the federation itself has made any public statements in response to the results of the investigation. However, their active refutation of GEF's investigative queries can be seen in the case document.
Just in August 2024, Mehriban Aliyeva praised Azerbaijan's rhythmic gymnastics team that finished fifth in the Olympic Games in Paris. “Bravo! I am proud of you! Dear gymnasts, thanks to your work, persistence and desire to be the best – the progress is obvious! Thank you for your skill, desire to win and graceful execution of the most difficult elements! New victories and achievements to you! I love you!” wrote the first lady.
The team was trained by one of the now-sanctioned coaches, Siyana Vasilyeva. In 2021, Siyana Vasilyeva was elected an International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) Athletes Commission representative for rhythmic gymnastics. While she remains a member at the time of writing this story, the commission's executive committee told AP that a discussion will take place next month over Vasilyeva's status.
On January 9, 2025, Siyana Vasilyeva was awarded the “best coach” award during a gala ceremony organized by the ministry of youth and sports.
Meanwhile, Mariana Vasilyeva's Instagram page still mentions her post as the deputy minister.