Twitter account “No Context Russia” is sad yet hilarious

The sign on the train says “Express train. To nowhere”. Screenshot from the Twitter account No Context Russia

There is an account on Twitter that posts photos and pictures from various regions of Russia. They are ironic about sad aspects of life in Russia today.

The account has 248,000 readers, and its authors describe the it as “Russian reality. No context”.  Global voices chose several photos from the latest feed of the account.

The sign written on the snowy window of the car says “I am tired”

The sign above the door says: ‘Exit’  The paper sign on the door says ‘No exit’

The sign on the wall says “And how do you like this life?? Eh??”

The trucks look like Coca Cola Christmas trucks but the signs say “Red and White”, which is a brand of popular shops where one can buy alcohol in Russia.  The irony is twofold here: Cola Cola is no longer available in the country, and rates of alcoholic consumption are relatively high although decreasing in the last ten years.

The sign says “accept payments in bitcoins for repairing balconies”

Problems with accessibility are still widespread in Russia, and the solutions are often questionable..

The café’s name is “Café Eagle”

The wall sign says: Video surveillance in progress

Somewhere in a snowy village, a lamp on the windowsill  which uses kerosine to provide light, some of which are still present in villages recently.

The sign on the alcohol-carrying man’s shirt says “Ambulance”

The name of the book is “Managerial Decisions”

The last picture presents a typical look of the stairway in a multi storey housing block where most Russians live in cities. It shows a light switcher, and the sign says “Missile launch to the US”. Considering the Russian government's threats of nuclear war during the last several months of the invasion of Ukraine, this is indeed black irony.

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