Stories from 29 September 2022
Why fear of a coup attempt is on the horizon in Brazil's elections
Current Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has trailed former president Lula in the polls for more than a month, but in interviews he has been discrediting the numbers and saying he will only believe in his victory.
Brazil’s courts debate use of billboards in political campaigns
Despite being prohibited by law, billboards supporting or criticizing candidates have spread across different states during Brazil's electoral period.
Unfreedom Monitor report: Morocco
Advox research into digital authoritarianism in Morocco is now in a report. Read an excerpt and download the full pdf.
Undertones: Anti-army hashtags gain rare visibility in Pakistan
Criticism of Pakistan’s powerful military has always been voiced in hushed tones, but since the ouster of Prime Minister Imran Khan back in April, Pandora’s box has been flung open.
‘The Art of the Steal?': Russia’s online voting problem
Online voting in an increasingly autocratic Russia means election results should be treated with increased scepticism, not presented as regime approval.
A Georgian neo-Nazi group finds a home on YouTube
A prominent Georgian neo-Nazi group, Georgian National Unity, has reemerged online months after their self-described "commander," Giga Chelidze was released from prison.
Nepal's Citizenship Bill attracts renewed controversy
The President of Nepal is widely facing criticism for refusing to endorse the amendment of Citizenship Bill 2006 which was passed by the house of representatives of Nepal on July 22, 2022.