Stories from 5 January 2022
In Trinidad and Tobago, baby, it's cold outside
A North American cold front brought the chilly weather, with the coolest temperature recorded via a calibrated thermometer being 17.63°C, and an uncalibrated thermometer recording a minimum low of 15°C.
The myth of a stable Kazakhstan is shattered within a day as neighbours watch anxiously
In one day Kazakhstan dismissed its government, shut down the internet, and imposed a national curfew. People destroyed or took over key government buildings and even the airport in Almaty.
Understanding monsoon culture in Nepal
Nepali Sanskritist and scholar Gautama Vajra Vajracharya explains his studies on the Vedic frog hymns, and the meaning of the name of Vasudeva, father of Hindu deity Kṛiṣhṇa.
Justice elusive for murdered Indigenous Colombian reporter
Indigenous reporters like José Abelardo Liz are convinced of the importance of communication produced from the land they want to set free.
Indians give Chinese places hilarious names after China renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh
As China renamed 15 places in the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, Indians on Twitter responded by renaming Chinese places with Indian names.
A year later, Boğaziçi University continues to resist
While the controversial government appointed rector Melih Bulu, has been removed, academics and students continue to protest on campus.
Fuel protests spill over into political demands across Kazakhstan
A regional dispute over higher fuel prices turned into a mass protest across Kazakhstan, where people demand more freedom, while the government sent special forces to disperse the crowds.