Stories from 7 March 2020
International Women's Day: How far have we come?
"Although Macedonian women gained the vote in 1946, the progress of the women’s movement here reminds me of the national folk dance – three steps forward, two steps back."
The link between gender-based violence and child abuse in Trinidad & Tobago
"The central point is that violence against women and violence against children are deeply connected, that children are deliberately made victims and witnesses to violence against women."
No place for transgender people in Georgia's labour market
Finding a stable job is a hard enough task for all Georgians — but as Nata and Gabriela's stories show, it's nearly impossible for transgender people.
Facebook seller wearing ‘sexy clothes’ charged with pornography in Cambodia
"Punishing women for their choice of clothing is part of the root cause of violence, rather than its cure, and must be rejected.”