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For Some Stunning Photos of Japan, Check Out Tokyo Camera Club

Categories: East Asia, Japan, Arts & Culture, Photography
tokyo camera club

Tokyo Camera Club Editor's Picks. Screencap from Tokyo Camera Club main site.

Tokyo Camera Club is a vibrant community in Japan devoted to sharing and discussing photographs of Japan. More than 400,000 people follow its Facebook page [1], while more than 300,000 people follow on its Instagram account [2]. Many of the posts are widely popular, generating tens of thousands of likes, as well as a lot of shares and comments.

As a for-profit business, Tokyo Camera Club receives sponsorships and paid advertising from many camera makers. The site, besides showcasing some spectacular photos, is a good place to learn about upcoming photo contests. [3]

Here is a selection of just some of the photos published on Instagram:

Selection of @tokyocameraclub. We welcome your like! & comment. Post by @paolo.fortades #tokyocameraclub #東京カメラ部 #Japan #Photo #写真 #日本 Follow: @tokyocameraclub [4]

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「@photo_shorttrip」Instagramアカウントへの @fujihirotanaka さんの投稿作品。いいね&コメント大歓迎です。 東京カメラ部分室 photo_shorttripでは #photo_shorttrip で投稿された皆さまの「旅の一枚」を紹介します。 Follow: @photo_shorttrip #photo_shorttrip #小旅行 #shorttrip #short_trip #旅 #旅行 #写真 #photo #travelphoto #travelphotos #travelphotography [5]

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Originally submitted by Instagram user @fujihirotanaka [6] to the @photo_shorttrip [7] Instagram account, this photo receives many likes and comments. Photo_shorttrip is a competition organized by Tokyo Camera Club that uses the hashtag #photo_shorttrip to showcase single images of a short trip.

Selection of @tokyocameraclub. We welcome your like! & comment. Post by @taiseiko75 #tokyocameraclub #東京カメラ部 #Japan #Photo #写真 #日本 Follow: @tokyocameraclub [8]

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Selection of @tokyocameraclub. We welcome your like! & comment. Post by @ri_ri_ri_3 #tokyocameraclub #東京カメラ部 #Japan #Photo #写真 #日本 Follow: @tokyocameraclub [9]

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「@photravelers」Instagramアカウントへの @akira_1972_ さんの投稿作品。いいね&コメント大歓迎です。 東京カメラ部分室 Photravelersでは、 #photo_travelers を付けたインスタグラム投稿とPhotravelers Facebookページに投稿いただいた旅行写真を紹介します。 Follow: @photravelers #photo_travelers #photravelers #travel #traveler #旅 #旅行 #写真 [10]

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Originally submitted by Instagram user @akira_1972_ [11]  to the @photravelers [12] Instagram account. Please like and comment on this photo. With this feature, Tokyo Camera Club showcases submissions to its Instagram and Facebook pages images that uses the hashtag #photo_travelers. Follow: @photravelers [12] #photo_travelers [13]#photravelers [14] #travel [15] #traveler [16]

東京カメラ部10選による、「バンガード」のトラベル三脚のハンズオンレビュー第一弾! . http://bit.ly/VANGUARD_VEO2hara_1708 . 東京カメラ部10選の原朋士さんが、バンガードのトラベル三脚「VEO 2 265CB」とともに、工場夜景や滝など長秒撮影を駆使した撮影へ。 携行性と剛性を追求したモデルで、持ち運びが簡単で超軽量。高度な機能の脚とツイストロックシステムを使用しながら、多彩な創造的なポジションをお楽しみいただけます。 より高度な撮影を可能にする「VEO 2 265CB」の実力を、活用シーンや作品集とともに是非ご覧ください!<PR> . 作品:原朋士さん(東京カメラ部10選2012) [17]

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One of Tokyo Camera Club's top 10 images. This is from part one of a review of the new Vanguard travel tripod: http://vanguard.tokyocameraclub.com/veo2_userreview/page01.php

Photographer Hara Tomoshi took the Vanguard tripod on a trip to photograph waterfalls and night scenes of industrial complexes. […]

Selection of @tokyocameraclub. We welcome your like! & comment. Post by @y_ooseto.ps #tokyocameraclub #東京カメラ部 #Japan #Photo #写真 #日本 Follow: @tokyocameraclub [18]

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Whether you live in Tokyo or not, anyone can submit an image to be considered for Tokyo Camera Club's feed, as long as the photo is of someplace in Japan. Rules, in English, for how to submit a photo can be found here [20].

More Tokyo Camera Club photographs can be seen on Instagram [2], Twitter, Facebook [1] and on the web [21].