Stories from 14 March 2017
Africa’s Green Energy Challenge: Mega Projects, Off-Grid or Somewhere in Between?
South of the Sahara, getting electricity to 620 million people may require an all-of-the-above strategy.
Syrian Civil Society in Douma Navigates a Tough Crackdown
Fundamentalist backlash to a magazine article has thrown civil society in Douma and Eastern Ghouta into turmoil, as activists and journalists struggle to get back to work.
Remembering Soviet Pop: the USSR's Vocal-Instrumental Ensembles
While the West twisted, discoed, and boogied, the people of the Soviet Union were treated to a bland but charming, state-censored version of Western music: the so-called vocal-instrumental ensembles (VIAs).
Late-Season Snow Brings Joy to Bhutan
"only in #bhutan...police making snowman at the main roundabout. wonderful"